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Request Clamps Team Co.

All the equipment you want can be provided by Team Co. Just click on the request button and complete it. Our experts will respond to your request as soon as possible.

Descriptions :

Clamps specifications :

The most important advantage of Team Co. clamps is to stop leakage without welding, drilling and damaging leaking facilities and equipment.

Team sealant can be stored for 3 years at a temperature of less than 30 degrees. our sealant are supplied in packs of 10 in the form of 9 cm tubes with a diameter of 18 mm suitable for injection. Residual sealant can be stored in water for 3 months after opening the package.

Connections :

Clamps are provided with jaws for connection by bolts.

: No welding

Team’s clamps are designed and manufactured without the need for welding. Due to the prevention of using the welding element on the clamp, its resistance is strengthened and of course there is no need to test the weld during the construction of clamps. This “no-welding” design is used on all clamps, even when considering the large sizes of flanges and other fittings.

Clamps design:

Our design department takes into account the input parameters and standards and with the help of a special software program, designs the requested clamps.

Material :

Clamps are made in the factory according to the standard and with workshop facilities with suitable steel materials and similar tested materials.

The different characteristics of the materials used depend on the parameters of the leak, such as:

Quality Control :

Clamps are made and produced according to strict processes.

According to our quality system, the following checks are performed before clamps are delivered:

Clamps, made for use in leaks made of flange gaskets, have a central edge and two wide edges. The central edge is placed inside the joint between the two flanges. Its purpose is to reduce the volume of the injected material between the two flanges and to avoid the transverse displacement of the flange during the injection phase. Since the gap between the flanges must be installed in accordance with the central edge of the blade, the team company can strengthen the central edge according to the customer’s specifications.

Two transverse edges cover the O.D. flanges. These edges can be tightened with a sealing hammer, correctly to obtain a complete mechanical adjustment, clamps on the flanges. On the other hand, this rigid working process allows the same compaction of the compound in the injection cavity.



Other Leak Sealing equipment

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